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News > Alumnae News > Alumna Author, Kate Abernethy, Shares St George's Memories with New Students

Alumna Author, Kate Abernethy, Shares St George's Memories with New Students

Alumna and debut children's author Kate Abernethy brought her rhyming adventure "The Great Highland Games Chase" to life, sharing St George's memories with soon-to-be P1 students on Transition Day.

St George's was delighted to welcome back alumna Kate Abernethy, now a debut children's author, for the Pre School to Primary 1 Transition Day. Kate connected with the soon-to-be P1 pupils on a personal level as she reminisced about her own first day at the school not that long ago.

Kate's rhyming picture book, The Great Highland Games Chase, came alive as the young readers dressed up as characters and enthusiastically chanted "Stop, ye Wee Rascal!" during the reading. She shared insights into the writing process, emphasizng observation, rhyming, and most importantly, reading often.

The children engaged their senses, found rhymes, and discussed favourite books. Kate left a lasting impression, advising them, "Reading is even better for you than vegetables" and encouraging a habit of reading daily, just like brushing teeth.

As an Old Girl, Kate understood the exciting yet daunting feeling of starting at a new school. Her storytelling and activities helped forge connections with the incoming Primary 1 pupils.

The day concluded with a colouring activity featuring illustrations from Kate's book by Laura Darling. The children added their artistic flair to scenes from The Great Highland Games Chase.

We are grateful to have our alumna Kate back, sharing her creativity, love for literacy, and St George's memories with the next generation of students.

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