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News > Alumnae News > Help Record St George's Treasured Christmas Carol, "See, Amid the Winter's Snow"

Help Record St George's Treasured Christmas Carol, "See, Amid the Winter's Snow"

Former Director of Music Philip Redfern invites you to support the recording of 'See, amid the winter's snow' - the Christmas carol commissioned by St George's and premiered at the Usher Hall in 2015.

It's now nearly ten years since I retired as Director of Music at St G's, but I still have fond memories and am in touch with many former pupils.

In my last year in the RMC we commissioned and premiered a Christmas Carol, "See, Amid the !inter's Snow", by the internationally acclaimed composer Will Todd. The first performance was given at the Usher Hall with the composer in attendance, and the next at St Giles for my - and a whole host of students' - last Carol service.

The Carol was published by Boosey and Hawkes and has been performed widely (all copies of the music mentioning St George's of course!)

Will has just been in touch with a video of him playing "See, Amid the Winter's Snow" as part of a crowd-funder for a recording of the piece . 

Hence the message, as I am very much hoping we might be able to alert those who took part in the first performances to the video, the fundraising and eventually, the recording of "our' Carol.

If you can help with this, I'd be really grateful. 

Click here to visit the crowdfunder page. 


With all best wishes to all at St George's,

Philip Redfern ( Director of Music 1999 - 2015)

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