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News > Alumnae News > Preserving a Pioneering Legacy: St George's School Archives Go Digital

Preserving a Pioneering Legacy: St George's School Archives Go Digital

Discover the pioneering legacy of St George's School through its newly digitised archives. Mrs Chandler-Thompson invites alumnae to explore materials spanning over a century of our history.

As you are hopefully already aware, St George's has played a very important part in the women's educational movement in late nineteenth century Scotland, right to the present day. Our founders were prominent in the campaign to admit women to Edinburgh University and the founding of the school in 1888 was a vital milestone on ensuring girls could access the opportunities that had long been open to boys. We remain committed to staying true to the ideals of our founders and ensuring the needs and rights of girls are at the heart of all we do as a school today.

You may be less aware, that the school houses an historically important archive, not only documenting the history of St. George's but also materials from other historic Edinburgh girls' schools, such as St. Margaret's and Lansdowne House School. We are very fortunate to benefit from the generously volunteered services of Margaret Imlah, who also was a long-serving member of staff and is a historian. She and her husband have worked hard to make the archive materials accessible and well looked after. An important development this year, is that we have begun, in partnership with SDS Archive group, to digitise materials in the archive so that we can make them more accessible to our wider community.

We would like to invite you to peruse the first set of materials that have been digitised on our dedicated Archives website: St George's School | Digital Archives.

The site also contains contact details should you have any further questions or wish to request to see something in particular digitised in future tranches. We hope this digital archive will allow our alumnae and community to explore and connect with the incredible history of St George's School.

With all best wishes,

Mrs. Carol Chandler-Thompson

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