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News > Alumnae News > Former Deputy Head Donates Treasured Painting to St George's

Former Deputy Head Donates Treasured Painting to St George's

Former deputy head and alumna Eileen Mackintosh donated a treasured painting of St George's iconic staircase to her beloved school after over 30 years.

St George's School was delighted to receive a special gift this week from former deputy head and alumna Eileen Mackintosh. Eileen, who attended the school as a student before going on to teach and serve as deputy head from 1983-1991, donated a beautiful painting that had been given to her as a retirement gift.

The painting, created by former art teacher Shona Skinner, depicts the view from the top of the school's iconic wooden staircase. It was presented to Eileen in 1991 when she retired after eight years as deputy head, including a stint as acting head in 1986.

Eileen visited the school on Wednesday, 1 May 2024, to formally present the painting to head Carol Chandler-Thompson over coffee. They also looked through old photographs, including one of Eileen's mother as hockey captain in 1911 and another of Eileen herself as head girl in 1947.

"We are tremendously grateful to Eileen for this generous gift," said Carol Chandler-Thompson. "Her painting will be a permanent reminder of her commitment to St George's over her many years here as a beloved student, teacher and leader."

The painting will be displayed prominently in the school's main entrance going forward. For Eileen, it represents coming full circle and ensuring her legacy remains tied to St George's for generations to come.

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